Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Forecast


I've run out of white yarn for the log cabin, and I haven't been able to talk myself into going up to the store to get anymore, so I've been working on my Forecast this afternoon. I haven't made too much progress but Pepito did make a wonderful model of what's there so far. If you happen to be wondering, the black cord next to Pepito is my noise reduction headphones. I'm listening to Middlesex right now. Knitting + Audiobooks = Love


I added some pictures of my nĂ¼vi cozy to my flickr/ravelry account. I knit it up in one evening. I just kind of knit a strip, threw in some button holes and seamed it up. The buttons were on sale for 40% off at Joann's the other day so I had to take advantage of it.


Speaking of, here are the buttons I picked out for my Forecast. There were only 8 left so I will have to improvise with those.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Pepito is such a little stud! I heart the color or the forecast... it's looking amazing!